

Revision as of 09:57, 27 July 2024 by Trap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Metapodaci koje unose korisnici== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! Polje !! Opis !! Status !! Dublin Core |- | Naslov || Glavni stvarni naslov || obavezno, ponovljivo || dc.title |- | Autor || Ime primarnog autora || obavezno ako postoji, ponovljivo || dc.creator |- | Sekundarna odgovornost || Imena urednika, prevodilaca, ilustratora i svih drugih vrsta saradnika || obavezno ako postoji, ponovljivo || dc.contributor |- | Matična publikacija / Izvor || Naslov mat...")
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Metapodaci koje unose korisnici

Polje Opis Status Dublin Core
Naslov Glavni stvarni naslov obavezno, ponovljivo dc.title
Autor Ime primarnog autora obavezno ako postoji, ponovljivo dc.creator
Sekundarna odgovornost Imena urednika, prevodilaca, ilustratora i svih drugih vrsta saradnika obavezno ako postoji, ponovljivo dc.contributor
Matična publikacija / Izvor Naslov matične publikacije, veb-sajta, kolekcije predmeta (ali ne i knjižne zbirke) itd. obavezno ako postoji, nije ponovljivo u formi za unos metapodataka dostupnoj korisnicima, ali administrator po potrebi može kreirati dodatna polja (npr. za naslov na drugom jeziku) dc.source
Datum izdavanja Datum izdavanja obavezno, nije ponovljivo
Kolacija Godište, sveska, paginacija, broj članka za priloge iz serijskih publikacija obavezno ako postoji, ponovljivo
  • dc.citation.volume
  • dc.citation.issue
  • dc.citation.spage
  • dc.citation.epage
Identifikatori DOI, ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, URI itd. Scopus i Web of Science identifikatore dodeljuje administrator repozitorijuma. obavezno ako postoji, ponovljivo
  • dc.identifier.doi
  • dc.identifier.isbn
  • dc.identifier.issn
  • dc.identifier.ismn
  • dc.identifier.uri
  • dc.identifier.scopus
  • dc.identifier.wos
  • dc.identifier.pmid
Podaci o finansiranju Podaci o projekatima i programima finansiranja obavezno ako postoji, ponovljivo dc.relation
Jezik sadržaja Jezik na kom je dokument objavljen (jedan ili više) obavezno, ponovljivo, kontrolisane vrednosti dc.language.iso
Tip sadržaja Publikacja, skup podataka, audiovizuelni materijal itd. obavezno, nije ponovljivo u formi za unos metapodataka dostupnoj korisnicima, ali administrator po potrebi može kreirati dodatna polja (npr. ako zapis sadrži više datoteka različitog tipa), kontrolisane vrednosti dc.type
Verzija Verzija sadržaja (npr. objavljena, nacrt, korigovana itd.) obavezno, nije ponovljivo, kontrolisane vrednosti dc.type.version
Opis Opis sadržaja; apstrakt publikacije preporučeno, ponovljivo dc.description.abstract
Tema Ključne reči preporučeno, ponovljivo dc.subject
Izdavač Naziv jedne ili više organizacija koje su objavile sadržaj ili su odgovorne za njegovo kreiranje preporučeno, ponovljivo dc.publisher
Napomena Anotacije i komentari neobavezno, ponovljivo dc.description.other
Nivo dostupnosti The access to the resouurce in the repository


mandatory, non-repeatable dc.rights
License The license under which the resource (bitstream) is distributed. A Creative Commons license or All rights reserved should be selected from the drop-down list. If required by the Designated Community, other licences may also be supported. There are no technical limitations in this respect.
  • Creative Commons licences apply to the Open Access content.
  • If a work is published under a CC licence, the same licence should be used in the repository.
  • If a licence is not indicated in the publication and the author has retained copyright, the author is encouraged to use an open licence.
  • Before depositing resources in the repository, depositors are required to clear possible copyright, privacy, data protection and other issues with their institutions, collaborators, funders and all relevant stakeholders.
mandatory, non-repeatable dc.rights.license
Copyright holder The name of the person or entity holding the copyright. optional, repeatable dc.rights.holder
Embargo end date The date when the resource will be automatically made publicly available.

Guidance: In case there is no embargo, this date will be automatically generated and will be the same as the Accession date. In case there is an embargo, the depositor should indicate the embargo end date in the appropriate field (by marking it in the calendar) immediately after uploading the file.

optional, non-repeatable

Metadata created automatically upon item publication

Field Description Status DC mapping
Accession date The date when the items is accessioned in the repository, in the format YYYY-MM-DD mandatory, non-repeatable
Provenance and changes to the record This field records an administrative event in the lifecycle of the item in the repository. The infomation is accessible to repository managers. mandatory, repeatable dc.description.provenance
URI Permanent URL to the item landing page. It is displayed as an interactive link on the item page. mandatory, non-repeatable dc.identifier.uri
Resource URL URL to the resource (bitstream). Created only if the resource is publicly available in the form of an interactive link opening the bitstream / data file. mandatory if applicable, non-repeatable dc.identifier.fulltext
Handle - persistent identifier Unique and persistent Handle URL to the item landing page. Created automatically for all deposited items, excepts those that already have a Handle (e.g items imported from another repository using Handles). mandatory, non-repeatable dc.identifier.rcub
Licence URI URL to the licence website, generated automatically for Creative Commons licences based on the information provided in the field dc.rights.license. In case all rights are reserved, the URL will not be generated. mandatory if applicable, non-repeatable dc.rights.uri

Metadata added by repository managers (if applicable)

Field Description Status DC mapping
Link to a different version of the resource DOI, other PID or URI of a different version of the resource.

Guidance: This field is used when multiple versions of the same resource are available, e.g. a preprint is published on a preprint server, or both the Version of Record and the Author Accepted Manuscript are deposited in the repository. In the former case, the PID in the form of an interactive link should be pasted in this field. In the latter case, the handle of the other version (in the form of an interactive link) should be provided.

recommended, repeatable dc.relation.isversionof
Link to related materials DOI, other PID or URI of any supplementary materials, research data related to the resource (e.g. research data related to a published article), errata, etc.

Guidance: This field is used when various types of mutually related materials are available in the repository. To establish links among two records containing such materials, paste the PIDs of the related materials in this fiels. For example, to connect a record containing data related to a publication with the publication record, paste the handle (as an interactive link) of the data record in the field dc.relation.isreferencedby in the publication record, and vice versa. If a publication has a DOI, then both the publication's handle (from the repository) and DOI shpuld be added (the field is repeatable).

recommended, repeatable dc.relation.isreferencedby
Link to a related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included DOI, other PID or URI of the related resource.

Guidance: This field is used when e.g. both the book and one or more chapters contained in it are available n the repository. In this case, the handle of the book record should be provided (as an interactive link) in this field. The same applies to any other collection and its parts.

recommended, repeatable dc.relation.ispartof
Datum nastanka Datum kada je delo nastalo; navodi se ako se razlikuje od datuma izdavanja. obavezno, nije ponovljivo